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Home » Women Manopause » Menopause in women is a phase that must pass a woman
Menopause in women is a phase that must pass a woman
Post By admin on Saturday, May 12, 2012
Menopause in women is a phase that must pass a woman. Menopause in women is not to be taken negatively. In the aging process of a decline in ovarian function to produce eggs and hormones - hormones of reproduction. Though hormones - reproductive hormones that are also useful for processes in the body of a woman. So at that time also decrease the function of some particular organ. Inevitable decline in function, but can occur quickly and can be slowed by a series of way and the right attitude to life. Do not be afraid to deal with, provided we are ready and able to anticipate the women can stay healthy and happy life.
How do the symptoms of menopause?
Menopause in women begins with the perimenopause is a time where there is irregular menstrual cycles. This period begins around age 40 years and can last for a short or long depending on individual circumstances - each woman herself. Menstrual cycle becomes less or longer. Shorter or totally irregular. Sometimes - sometimes accompanied by the onset of menstrual pain.
At this time there has been a decline in ovarian function in which the hormone progesterone has been significantly reduced, but still there is little estrogen hormone that often causes hormonal imbalance. At this time there may be complaints of climacteric vasomotor disturbances as shown in the following table:
Klimaterik complaints in women aged between 45 and 54 years.
Irritability, feel fear, anxiety, and irritability 90%
Hot flushes (hot Flushes) 70%
Depression 70%
Headaches 70%
Fatigue, difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, lack of energy 65%
Weight gain of 60%
Bone and muscle pains 50%
50% of sleep disorders
Bone and muscle pains 50%
Obstipasi 40%
Heart palpitations - pounding 40%
Libido disturbance 30%
Tingling 25%
Berkunang - Fireflies 20%
Any disorder that can occur after menopause
Estrogen is an important role in the metabolism of several organs including skin, bone, heart and vascular system, brain, urinary tract and sexual organs, of course. Estrogen deficiency during menopause can cause disruption in some organs. Disorders of the menopause may also be exacerbated by poor habits such as smoking, diet that is too tight, lack of rest or exercise less. Entering menopause is the most happily set of living habits in order to improve our deficiencies during menopause.
Disorders of the menstrual cycle can be improved by administering high-dose combination estrogen progesterone which can make such regular menstruation before the perimenopause. Administration of drugs - the drug should consult with an obstetrician.
In addition to vasomotor disturbances in the form of hot blast to the face and chest or a burning sensation in the whole body may also result from psychological disorders such as behavioral disorders, mood and cognitive function. Women become quick-tempered, irritable and quick to forget. In addition there is also decline in sexual desire. Though her husband at the same age his passion is not necessarily reduced. This can result in lack of harmony of the marital relationship.
On fat metabolism occurs in the fat increase LDL and triglycerides. The hormone estrogen is regularly can help metabolize fats. In the urogenital system is highly influenced by estrogen, estrogen deficiency is very influential. Complaints of urinary system: urinary could not be arrested, when coughing or sneezing out a little urine, a frequent urination or even bedwetting. Complaints of vaginal discharge in the form of drought until the pain during intercourse.
All of the above complaints to the above by administering estrogen in the form of tablets, gels, creams, patches a gift tailored to the needs of patients, this should be consulted to the obstetrician.
Osteoporosis Is it?
In advance of the human body a proper balance of bone formation and vandalism. In the young human bone formation is much larger than vandalism. Optimal bone formed at the age of 25 years, and the better because of the exercise and loading on the bone itself. Optimal formation stops after the age of 25 years. The hormone estrogen kalsitonim spur spending a role in bone formation. Estrogen deficiency will lead to vandalism of the bones become larger than the formation, causing osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is bone loss due to the broken bone with no fixed return.
Diagnosis of osteoporosis can be done as early as possible with modern examination and the examination is not invasive bone density or we call Bonedensitometry examination.
Prevention of osteoporosis is to reduce the risk of vandalism of bone are: increase calcium intake with high calcium foods such as milk, reduced eating / drinking substances inhibit the absorption of calcium in intestines yag such as drinking alcohol or caffeine high, less mobile. When Osteroporosi already occurred can be preparations of the hormone estrogen that may help the absorption of calcium in the intestine and stimulate bone formation.
When a complaint has been what can I do?
Complaints basically occur due to hormonal imbalance during perimenopause or menopause due to low estrogen. Therapy performed by administering estrogen preparations starting from a low dose to high dose. Estrogen is metabolized hearts, so that administration of estrogen should be followed by monitoring of liver function. Estrogenpun can be given in various ways, as already mentioned above. If you need a specialist you consult with your doctor; what kind and in what form strogen suitable for you. Source
Women Manopause
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